How To Create Required Field Rules

This rule type should be used for any fields or documents that are simply required to be completed, without validating the data for accuracy. Creating a required field rule will cause the field to be added to the list of errors in the workflow and highlight it in red on input forms.





To access the rule editor, control-right-click an existing rule or click on the gear cog in the upper right hand corner of the workflow form window.

In the Workflow Configuration, select the "Required Fields (Milestone Completion)" business rule type and hit the "new" icon or open an existing rule to edit.


Select What Loans The Rule Will Apply To

Select the appropriate loan channels


Apply any relevant conditions

    1. If this should apply To All loans choose “No - Always apply this rule”mceclip3.png
    2. If the rule should only apply to certain loans, choose “Yes - Apply this rule only if”, select “Advanced Conditions” in the dropdown and use the Encompass' native “Advanced Condition Editor” to create your logic.mceclip2.png

Detailed information on how to write advanced conditions can be found here

Select The Workflow

You can apply the rule to "All Workflows" or a single specific workflow of your choice.


Add Required Fields And Documents

If needed, add documents to the “Required Docs” using the “Add” functionality. If you select the “Requires an attachment to the document”, the rule will be behave as an error, otherwise it will behave as a warning.


Add the fields you would like to the “Required fields” using the “Add” or “Find” functionality


Select Custom Configuration Points For Required Fields

    1. For Milestone - this selection does not impact the functionality of the rule, but is required to be completed by the Encompass rule engine.
    2. Type - set to "Missing" by default, this will stop he user from completing the workflow and any actions you have associated with it, unless the required field has been completed. 
    3. Description - by default populated with the field description as set in Encompass. The description will show up in the list of items to resolve on the bottom left of the workflow screen. 
    4. Message - by default this message will be set to “[FieldID] is required”. This will be displayed as hover text when the user hovers over the error or the field itself. 
    5. Go to Form - by default this will be blank and the double click will direct the user to the first form on the right that the field is found on. Specifying a form will speed up the process of finding the correct place to go for the user, so it is highly recommended to assign a form here.
    6. Go to ControlID - by default this will be blank and will direct the user to the first instance of the field found. This can be used to direct the user to a specific field on a form for scenarios where the same field may be found twice on a single form. 

Comments can be added to your rule, if desired. However, DO NOT add any comments below the workflow config, starting with this callout “### MI WORKFLOW CONFIG - DO NOT CHANGE BELOW ###”


Once ready SAVE your rule, and DO NOT ACTIVATE it unless you would like it to be applied outside of workflow.

Advanced Options

Pop-Up Screens And Executive Functions
If you would like to use Encompass native ExecAction functions or the Macro.PopUp function to direct users instead of adding additional forms to the screen or to simply help with navigation, you may reference these actions in the Go to Form section of the configuration in the same way you would on a custom input form.
Doing this will cause Workflow to perform your chosen action (such as opening a pop-up form window) when the user clicks on the error message.

Example Configuration For Pop-Up



Example Configuration For ExecAction



At the time of writing this, the list of ExecAction(s) can be found in Appendix B of the guide located here

Display Services
If you would like to use Encompass native Macro.DisplayServices function to direct users to use a service instead of directing them to a form, you may reference these actions in the MI Goto Form section of the configuration in the same way you would on a custom input form.
Doing this will cause Workflow to open your chosen Ellie Mae Network Services Window when the user clicks on the error message.

Example Configuration For Display Services


Button Actions
If you would like to use Encompass native button action functions instead of directing the user to a form, you may reference these actions in the MI Goto Form section of the configuration by using Macro.ExecAction.
Doing this will cause Workflow to perform your chosen button action when the user clicks on the error message.

Example Configuration For Button Action


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