SSN edit support for all Encompass forms SSN edit support via integration screen

SSN's can be changed on any Encompass form and the plugin will update in Blend accordingly.

For the most part, the user won't notice anything different, however, there are a few scenarios that the MI Blend integration will alert the user for.

Duplicate SSNs

Regardless if a borrower is or will ever be invited to Blend, SSNs can't be duplicated on a loan. The integration will alert the user with error below and revert the SSN that was just changed back to its original value.

Pending MI Blend Integration Requests

If a loan has a pending request from one of the following below, refer to the SSN edit support via integration screen tab for guidance on determining when the request has been processed

  • Existing request when loan was opened
  • SSN was changed and the loan subsequently saved which auto created the request
Removing a Blend borrower's SSN

If a borrower that has been invited to Blend has the SSN removed, the following confirmation will be shown.

Yes is clicked
SSN is removed. If SSN isn't added to another borrower, then when the loan is saved, the integration will remove the borrower from the loan in Blend
No is clicked
SSN that was just changed will be set to its original value
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