What is it?

The Send to Blend field ([CX.MI.BLEND.SEND.TO.BLEND]) is a calculation field that determines whether or not to send a loan to Blend. When this field is set to "Y" it will try to send the loan to Blend. This field along with the fields used are found under Settings on the Blend Integration screen.

We provide basic information only. Detailed information regarding Encompass calc fields can be found here and more technical here

Default Structure


Default structure follows this order of operations:

    1. IF 'override' has been set, set Value to override field's value
    2. IF 'MI recommendations' has any value, set Value to "N"
    3. Set to default value (the last item in quotes)

Default value is set to "N" on initial install

Default Fields Used


Set to override the calc

MI Recommendations: [CX.MI.BLEND.SEND.TO.BLEND.MI]

Populated with reasons to NOT send to Blend. Here's an example, your field calc may look different.

If a loan was started in WebCenter/Consumer Connect or eConsent was obtained via WebCenter/Consumer Connect then that loan will not be supported, ensure this is part of your send to blend calc to NOT send to Blend. More information on limitations can be found here.

IIF(IsDate([3152]) AND [@3152] < #1/4/2018#, "- Already disclosed another path ", "")
& IIF([-2024].Contains("WebCenter"), "- Source is WebCenter ", "")
& IIF([-2024].Contains("Connect"), "- Source is Consumer Connect ", "")
& IIF([-3987].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-3987].Contains("Connect"), "- B1 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-3991].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-3991].Contains("Connect"), "- CB1 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-3995].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-3995].Contains("Connect"), "- B2 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-3999].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-3999].Contains("Connect"), "- CB2 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-4026].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-4026].Contains("Connect"), "- B3 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-4030].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-4030].Contains("Connect"), "- CB3 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-4034].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-4034].Contains("Connect"), "- B4 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& IIF([-4038].Contains("WebCenter") OR [-4038].Contains("Connect"), "- CB4 invalid eConsent Source ", "")
& ""


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