Blend Loan Team - Additional Assignments

How it works

Every time the integration detects a loan was modified it performs the following on the loan

  • If Encompass has nothing in CX.MI.BLEND.LOAN.ASSIGNEES
    • nothing is done
  • Queries Blend for the current assignees
  • Checks each email in CX.MI.BLEND.LOAN.ASSIGNEES to see if it is already assigned to the loan in Blend
    • If the email is already assigned
      •  nothing is done
    • If the email is not already assigned
      • attempts to assign the email to the loan in Blend
      • updates the Encompass log with the result of the attempt

The service will never unassign any user from the loan in Blend, only assign users.


  1. Add CX.MI.BLEND.LOAN.ASSIGNEES custom field to Encompass

    Documentation on custom fields can be found from Ellie Mae here
  2. Write a business rule that populates a comma-delimited list of Blend user emails in CX.MI.BLEND.LOAN.ASSIGNEES
    The image above shows an example of using the email addresses for the processor, closer and underwriter from File Contacts.
    Documentation on business rules can be found from Ellie Mae here
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